Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Friends,

We are excited to share with you an opportunity for you son Liam. Born with CP, Liam has spent the last four years strengthening his body in traditional Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Special Education. While we plan on continuing to use traditional methods we have seen Liam’s self-confidence weaken. This expresses itself in frustration and lack of motivation, slowing his progress. We decided to look for alternative treatments to improve his attitude and give him the best chance of succeeding in mainstream education.  In the Conductive Learning Center (CLC) we have found a fit for him.

The Conductive Learning Center is a school and therapy center combined. Children with CP or other motor impairments learn along with being physically challenged. This unique approach allows students to spend more time focusing on life skills. Also, being in a setting with peers is extremely motivation.  We are very pleased with the academic focus and the especially the physical learning environment.

We think this is the right fit based on a two month trial at the end of last school year. We saw tremendous progress in basic life skills. Potty training, self-feeding with utensils, lying down and sitting up by himself, assisting with dressing: all areas saw major improvements. And, we saw amazing physical strength. He was able to walk in a walker without any support or assistance! Something he was unable to do before. Most important we see his motivation has returned. Now that the school year has ended he is still making gains.

We hope you will join with us in continuing this wonderful opportunity. Our hope is to enroll Liam fulltime in CLC 2012-2013 school year. We hope this will prepare him for full mainstreaming by the time he enters kindergarten.

Thank-you for your support!

Matt and Betsy (and Liam Nolan)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so exciting! :-) I'm so happy that your family has this opportunity.
